
Industry Trends

Metrics that matter for customer-led growth

Discover key metrics enterprise B2B companies should use to drive customer retention and expansion. Learn how to measure, track, and grow predictable, scalable revenue streams.

6 proven strategies to align Sales and Customer Success for revenue growth

Discover 6 strategies for aligning Sales and CS to drive revenue growth. Learn how account planning, AI, and collaboration unlock expansion opportunities.

How to support more women in revenue leadership roles in the tech industry

Explore strategies for advancing women in tech and leadership roles. Learn how diversity drives profitability and fuels innovation in the industry.

Building a business case for a Customer Success Platform

Learn how to craft a compelling business case for customer success software. Showcase ROI, streamline processes, and how business can drive growth with confidence.

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3 Effective ways for leaders to achieve clarity and unity during a merger

3 Effective ways for leaders to achieve clarity and unity during a merger

Totango Chief Product Officer shares insights and lessons for customer success and revenue leaders who want to drive organizational clarity and unity through a merger or acquisition, and make decisions that drive business results and accelerate customer outcomes.

Mastering customer health for complex enterprise relationships

Mastering customer health for complex enterprise relationships

For enterprise organizations, managing customer relationships is far from simple. The scale of operations, diversity of customer needs, and complexity of organizational structures create unique challenges.

Totango brand transformation: A new chapter in customer-led growth

Totango brand transformation: A new chapter in customer-led growth

Totango marked a significant milestone on January 22, 2025 — a complete rebrand and website update that signals an exciting new chapter, and reflects the journey that brought us to this point.

Top takeaways from TSIA

3 tips for revenue leaders to take the next step with AI: Insights from TSIA World ENVISION

Driving CS forward with Unison

Driving customer success forward with Unison

5 actions to embrance customer led growth

The 5 actions for revenue leaders to embrace customer-led growth

One question sales leaders should ask every prospect

The one question sales leaders should ask every prospect

The one thing SaaS go-to-market teams keep getting wrong

The one thing SaaS go-to-market teams keep getting wrong (and how to fix it)

Supercharging CS with data-driven strategies

Spotlight on CS Ops: Supercharging customer success with data-driven strategies