Provide proactive support to customers and let your team resolve issues in one place by connecting customer service and support data to the platform where you automate workflows.
Bring key data from help desk tickets, customer satisfaction ratings, customer health, into Totango customer success software in real-time. Give CSMs visibility and access to customer support data directly in Totango, so teams can help customers resolve problems or course-correct customer issues that may lead to churn. And save time by only logging into one tool.
Allow customer support tickets to trigger notifications and customer success workflows that help CSMs and other team members modify their engagements with customers.
Bring Intercom conversations into a data table within Totango's account profiles.
Automatically connect key customer data from service requests, customer satisfaction ratings, customer health data, and customer success in real-time.
Use API to integrate Totango and ServiceNow
Generate customer success insights off your support data