Outcome Success Plans make it really easy to align, document, and track the mutually agreed upon success goals between you and your customers. Get real-time visibility into the tasks, due dates, and responsible parties through a shared online portal with your customer, making it easier to drive towards success.
Documenting and tracking mutual customer goals helps align the entire team so everyone is focused on helping customers achieve their goals.
Share the Outcome Success Plans with customers in a live portal so they can track the progress of their objectives and Initiatives.
Engage with customers in a consistent manner based on their phase of the customer journey.
Learn how Totango can help you achieve your customer success goals.
Request DemoOutcome Success Plans
Manage and track your customers’ mutual goals and action plans and share the progress of the plan with customers in a live online portal.
Request DemoOutcome Success Plans make it really easy to align, document, and track the mutually agreed upon success goals between you and your customers. Get real-time visibility into the tasks, due dates, and responsible parties through a shared online portal with your customer, making it easier to drive towards success.
Documenting and tracking mutual customer goals helps align the entire team so everyone is focused on helping customers achieve their goals.
Share the Outcome Success Plans with customers in a live portal so they can track the progress of their objectives and Initiatives.
Engage with customers in a consistent manner based on their phase of the customer journey.