Kickstart 2025 with the ultimate strategy for repeat revenue: Customer-Led Growth. Get the guide.
With Totango, Waystar managed client success by prioritizing risk in a growing business, successfully reducing churn by 20%.
This guide defines customer-led growth and demonstrates why it matters to businesses. Download the guide to start driving customer-led growth today.
Join our upcoming webinar for CS and Sales leaders to learn how to protect and grow revenue streams from your current customers.
The Only Enterprise CSP with Enterprise-Grade Custom AI Models for Driving Growth
I’m currently drafting a paper on use of Customer Data Platforms by B2B SaaS marketers.
Totango customer success platform earns prestigious industry recognition
Wiredrive, a Los Angeles–based provider of cloud-based media sharing and collaboration services, aims to help creative enterprises operate more efficiently.
I’m delighted to release the 2017 edition of the marketing technology landscape, which we’ve nicknamed the Martech 5000.
Strong Market Adoption of Zoe by Influential Customer Base and Business Expansion Increases Overall Value of Totango
Totango Continues Exponential Growth in Enterprise Market
Totango Wins Gold Stevie Award in 11th Annual Stevie Awards for Sales and Customer Service
Today, it's not enough for businesses to deliver products. Customers expect them to deliver outcomes and success.
Technology is the answer for everything humanely erratic.
Marketo debuts Project Orion advancements
The text-based Zoe can pull info on customers or track teamwork in resolving a customer success issue.
Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web.
Here’s our recap of what happened in online marketing today, as reported on Marketing Land and other places across the web.
Customer success management company Totango today launched a Slack bot named Zoe.
CEO Guy Nirpaz to Introduce Zoe at the 2017 Customer Success Summit
Zoe is a collaborative customer success tool.
Totango Taps Former 3Com CEO as Chairman to Expand Enterprise Customer Success