Kickstart 2025 with the ultimate strategy for repeat revenue: Customer-Led Growth. Get the guide.
With Totango, Waystar managed client success by prioritizing risk in a growing business, successfully reducing churn by 20%.
This guide defines customer-led growth and demonstrates why it matters to businesses. Download the guide to start driving customer-led growth today.
Join our upcoming webinar for CS and Sales leaders to learn how to protect and grow revenue streams from your current customers.
The Only Enterprise CSP with Enterprise-Grade Custom AI Models for Driving Growth
In this post we’re going to look at how you can leverage personal, lifecycle emails to new customers to help drive more engagement with your product and grow your email list.
Totango report “2013 State of the Profession: Customer Success” provides insight into challenges, compensation structure, experience, organization, and more.
It’s been said many times that the customer is king, and it couldn't be truer.
The updated CSM dashboard packages detailed customer lifecycle information in one view on
With the ability to drill down and search by users within the Totango platform, SaaS companies can understand user activity and know their users better.
Emerging software companies with remarkable approaches to business top the list.
New Totango survey finds that software companies desire to focus on their customers, but still face big organizational, technology and methodology hurdles
While no one is turning away new business today, the focus is shifting to customer retention and building loyalty.
Thought Leaders Pile Onto March 14th 2013 Customer-centric Enterprise Event
The Software & Information Industry Association partners with Totango to educate executives on the customer-centric transformation of the software industry.
Welcome to the finalists for the CRM Watchlist 2013.
Customer Journey Mapping is the new strategy to help SaaS companies drive growth. Totango is offering a free webinar and announcing private workshops.
Many tech startups rely on limited-time free trials to get customers to try (and then hopefully buy) their product or service.
In this episode, the Beyond Web Analytics talks with Sam Boonin, VP of Product Engagement at Zendesk, about how Zendesk is using a solution called Totango for Trial Marketing & Lifecycle Marketing.
It is not often that a company can open its doors and get 100 paying corporate customers nine months later. But thanks to a service that lets companies measure how much their customers use their online service and take action to boost engagement, Totango is growing explosively.It is not often that a company can open its doors and get 100 paying corporate customers nine months later.
How do you get new features used and adopted? Here are six tips on how to solve this.