Welcome new community members and re-engage inactive members to ensure your community has a strong use base.
Listen to and understand feedback, follow up on product ideas, and celebrate community wins with your customers.
Proactively utilize the valuable insights extracted from community engagement data to improve customer relationships.
Each SuccessBLOC is embedded with industry best practices to help you get started quickly and achieve customer outcomes faster.
Goals & KPIs
Goals & KPIs
Pre-built scorecards include KPIs—including registration trend and number of users posting discussions—to measure registration, engagement, and feedback.
Pre-configured audience segments—including customers with registered users and users who have posted a discussion—to better understand user engagement.
Request DemoWorkflows
Triggered workflows containing tasks and actions to proactively follow up on user ideas, celebrate account engagement, and assign a community manager.
Automated emails triggered by account and user segments to welcome new users to the community and engage inactive community members.
Request DemoNurture
June 13, 2022
June 13, 2022
Now more than ever, you must make the necessary changes to keep up with delivery and communication of value to customers. The Customer Marketing SuccessBLOC is designed to drive customer engagement with automated retention and expansion activities to scale your growth. It allows you to scale your engagement model across thousands of customers, staying top of mind with your customers.
The Customer Marketing SuccessBLOC enables you to:
Increase Customer Loyalty and Advocacy
Increase Product Adoption
Drive Customer Engagement
Increase Retention and Drive Growth