Jira Software integration with Totango

Import tickets data from Jira to Totango and attach it to Totango accounts as collections

  • Rich planning features enable teams to flexibly plan in a way that works best for them.
  • Accurate estimations and transparent executions help teams become more precise and efficient while keeping everyone on the same page.
  • Extensive reporting functionality gives teams critical insight into their processes.
  • Scalable evolution allows teams to add and change issue types, fields, and workflows as they evolve.
The benefits of integrating
Jira Software
with Totango

With this integration you can:

  • Import tickets data from Jira to Totango and attach it to Totango accounts as collections
  • Import only the data you need by filtering the Jira data using a JQL filter.
Project management

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Automate tasks and improve collaboration.

Project management
Coming soon
Jira Software

Import tickets data from Jira to Totango and attach it to Totango accounts as collections

Project management
Coming soon